Saturday, April 4, 2009

ouch.....doctors and dentists!!

marc showing cal our newest truck. we got together with cal
and paul for dinner one night.

marc has a hard time staying awake at times....yes, he's
asleep in the driver's seat.....but no, the truck isn't moving!

karl and i often "match" in our black!

i know.....OMG!! i was shocked when he finished as well.
(and yes, it hurts to have this done.)

we usually request 4 days off work about every 2 months... this time our days were filled with doctor and dentist appointments. those of you who know marc must know that he does NOT like to go to either of those!!....but with a little "push" from me, he complied. we have a new dentist, dr. mark doyle, who is GREAT!! he has the latest state of the art equipment, and his hygenist is wonderful--i was totally pain free, which is not usually how cleanings go for me. it was a great experience. i have always said that i would rather have a baby "au natural" than go to the dentist because i have had such awful experiences in the past. well, i may have to change that statement. (yeah, i do remember that labor hurts JUST A BIT!!) anyway, my last appointment was with the dermatologist....big ouch! he looked at me, spared me the "you've been in the sun too much lecture", and began the liquid nitrogen freezing (which is really a type of burn to the skin) to all the spots that looked pre-cancerous or had keratosis (discoloration?) wow, i have had basal carcinomas excised before, but they were NOTHING compared to how this left me. i am now trying to hide my face (he did both cheeks) for the next 2 weeks until they heal. no amount of makeup can help me. so girls, let this be a lesson about sun-worshipping. it's a little too late for me!


Annie said...

OUCH!!! That looks painful! I am dreading going to the dermo when I get back to the states...I know that I am going to get the lecture..guess I shouldn't have LIVED in a tanning bed in high school. Back then though it seemed like 30 was a lifetime away. Yeah, well, it is starting to catch up on me! I have started my "dermo fund" too, Andy just laughs, but I am completely serious!

Unknown said...

oh you poor thing, i hope you feel better soon. your lucky you live in a truck right now....i don't think your fellow truckers care what anyone looks like...your still beautiful though :-)I always cover my face up so from my neck down I'm damaged from the sun lol. On a side note, thank you for posting a pic of my papa...I miss him sooo much. w

breck said...

my dad looks like that every few months!! he only has to have the left side of his face and arm done from all the driving he did (put extra sunscreen there when you drive!!). that sleeping position does NOT look comfy Marc, but i guess you have to take what you can get, huh?? me too, being almost 8 months prego!! miss you guys :)